Hand-selected seafood made simple
Keep It Simple Hand-selecting the finest seafood directly from the docks from the Central Florida Atlantic coast and around the United States and delivering directly to chef-driven restaurants personally here in Central Florida and around the Country through What Chefs Want.
I Am A Fishmonger I have had the privilege of working with the finest chefs in the Southern United States, hand picking the best fish I can possibly find, and getting it to them as quickly as possible and with a personal touch. I'm a chef's eyes and ears at the dock and it gives me so much pleasure to see how excited they get when they get a fish that is last caught and straight off the boat.
We source fish from small boats. They are caught by spear fishermen, rod & reel, or short longline. Our fishermen are regularly trained on quick release methods ensuring bycatch is returned to the sea as quickly as possible and strictly adhere to Fish and Game guidelines ensuring a healthy fish stock for future generations.
We typically don't know what fish we'll have until the day of because, well, it's fishing and we don't have shelves! Here's a look into some of the fish we do see. One thing I have learned over the years is getting the best fish from Florida's docks is difficult!
Watch this 15 minute documentary produced by Dalstrong knives on my fishmongering adventures. Let's make a difference together!
Next is a video produced by What Chefs Want taking you through a day of a Fishmonger illustrating where our fish are coming from.
Lastly, Wesh 2 News also put together a special "Home Grown" segment highlighting our local chefs and producers including an informative section in the beginning on what I do as a Fishmonger.
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About Me After finishing my undergraduate in international business management, I spent the next decade immersed in the Southern California banking industry. Happily, I took my leave to pursue a masters in Aquacutlure and Aquatic Science to learn about my true passion - fish.
I have been immersed in the sea from the youngest age surfing, spear fishing and just being in awe by the wonders of the world's oceans. It is my goal to search out the most sustainably caught, small fisheries and bring them to my chefs where they work their amazing magic. It is incredible to be linked to the sea in every aspect of my life.